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Sunday 9 March 2014

Seputar Windows 7

Pada sore ini, saya mau menyampaikan cara mengganti bahasa tulisan di Windows 7 kamu nihh. 
Begini Caranya :
1. Klik Start >> Control Panel
2. Klik pada Clock, Language, and Region, seperti pada gambar :
3. Selanjutnya pilih menu Region and Language,
4. Lalu akan muncul jendela seperti gambar di bawah dan klik Keyboards and Languages.

Thai Words

b : bee
bagaimana : yàang-rai
bagus : dee
bahu : lài
baik : châi ; dee
baja : lèk ; lèk glâa
bandara : sanâmbin
bangga : hâi sănyaa
bantuan :kwaám chúaylĕua
banyak : mâak
barisan hewan : kakùt
batang : gáan
bawah : long
bawang merah : hŏm yài
bayi : ~hewan : look tôong
bebek : bpèt
belajar (v) : sènksăa ; rian
belanja : chop-bping
belut : bplaa pli
benar : jing
benci (v) : gliat ; chang ; gliat chang ; kae-ya-kae-yaeng
berani : glâa hăan ; glâa
berdoa : onwon
berhubungan seksual : mee pâyt săm-pan ; bprà-way-nee ; làp non
bertemu (v) : hā
bertindak : tham
besar : dtoh ; dtoh lāāeo
besok : prung née
bibir : òht
bir : bir
Boeing : bo-ing
boleh : hai
buka (v) : bpèrt
bukti : lak tăan
buku : năng sĕn
burung : nók, bpàksăa
butuh : dtông-gaan

Thursday 6 March 2014

Tes Uji Coba (TUC) UN SMP Kab Purworejo ke 3

Hallo temen-temen siswa kelas IX se-Kabupaten Purworejo. Tes Uji Coa Ujian Nasional tingkat SMP yang ketiga sudah selesai. Saya di sini mau kasih tau hasil kalian nih, untuk nilai se-Kabupaten Purworejo dapat kalian lihat dan download di sini yang saya dapat dari website Pak Fajar. Berikut adalah 20 besar rata-rata sekolah nilai Tes Uji Coa Ujian Nasional tingkat SMP tahap 3 :
Untuk info lebih lanjut dan lebih rinci dapat teman-teman lihat pada website ini

Sunday 2 March 2014

Contoh Report : Koala


Koalas are one species of marsupial. They are a type of mammals that have a pouch at their belly. Koalas live in Australia, New Zealand, and also can be found at Papua Island.

Koalas have brownish-grey or silver-grey fur. They have a big pink or black nose too. Koalas have sharp claws which help them to climb. They can hear and smell very well, but they cannot see very well at all.

Koalas are mostly active at night. They live in trees, and they don’t like to be on the ground. They mostly eat leaves, bark and fruit of some Eucalyptus trees. Koalas don’t drink often, they get most of their water from the leaves they eat. 

Koalas live alone most of the time, but they have a social hierarchy with the other koalas who live near. Their life is so simple, because they spend about 20 hours per day for sleep on trees and only 4 hours per day for do their activities. Koalas also spend their life on the trees because they cannot to move fast and also for avoid their predator.

After a pregnancy of 35 days, the newly born koala is about a quarter inch long. it is born with no ears, eyes, or hair. It crawls into its mothers pouch on its own. After 12 months the young koala is old enough that it doesn’t go into its mother's pouch or need milk anymore. The female koala can have another baby then. Young koalas usually leave their mothers when they are 18 months old, but if their mother doesn’t have another baby, they will stay until three years. Koalas become mature when they are about two years old, but they will have their first baby after more than two years.
The koala isn’t an endangered species, but it is a near vulnerable species. One reason is the loss of habitat, which means that koalas have less space to live. In some places there are very few koalas left. But there are some places, such as French Island (Victoria), with too many koalas that eat too much. Therefore, the eucalyptus trees and other animals are in danger. A study looking at koala numbers at 1800 sites for 20 years, shows that the number of koalas is falling. The study, by the Australian Koala Foundation, estimates that there are only about 50,000 koalas left. Now, koalas are one species who will be extinct.